
Climate Change myths
Myth 2: Climate models are unreliable
Quite the contrary! Every prediction from the modelling has come true or is unfolding before our eyes. The only ‘mistake’ from models has been when certain factors haven’t been included. A good example is the increased emissions from China which no scientist could have predicted.
Myth 3: Since 1998, the world has been cooling
This is one of the latest myths. The hottest year on record was 1998. Every year since has been in the top twenty hottest years. The same argument could have been used a dozen times in the previous century as cooling took place for a year or two and then continued to rise. The warming trend is ever upward.
Myth 4: 1934 was hotter
No it was not! That only applied to the (then) 48 states of the USA, which only represents less than 2 percent of the world’s area.
Myth 5: It is the sun
For years a number of scientific teams from various countries has been studying the influence of the sun. All conclude that, since 1750, the sun has contributed to less than 4 percent of global warming. Even the Danish scientists who first published the sun theory now agree it is wrong, especially as the sun has cooled over the past few decades while the earth continued to grow warmer.